
Gold or Garbage: Resolving the Marketing and Sales Lead Quality Controversy

Written by Eric Schnabel | May 13, 2024
Lets put an end to the age old marketing vs. sales debate over whether the leads generated by marketing are either gold or garbage. 
The debate between marketing and sales teams over whether the leads passed from one to the next are pure gold or hot garbage is a tale as old as time. 
Or at least old enough to have inspired great characters of stage and screen like Arthur Miller’s Willy Loman and David Mamet’s Shelley “The Machine” Levene.
While the debate may be very entertaining on stage or screen, it’s less so when it’s a recurring source of finger pointing across your conference calls or slack channels.
For B2B businesses who want to move beyond the debate, we here at SweepLift would humbly suggest bringing both teams together via a new service that isolates qualified leads (from tire kickers), educates them, and coaxes relevant “pain points” prior to the first meeting.
Taking a step back, there are lots of reasons why sales teams get lists of B2B leads that seem uncloseable. 
The most common are reaching out to prospects who...
  • Are at the wrong company
  • Are at the right company but wrong person
  • Are the right person at the right company who doesn’t have the authority to buy or influence
  • Are at the right company, person, authority but no familiarity with your basic solution
  • Are at the right company, person, authority and familiarity who is unwilling to share the key pain points or metrics that allow you to demonstrate your pitch
With so many hoops to jump, it’s no wonder that a recent HubSpot survey found that only 7% of salespeople consider leads received from marketing as “very high quality” and 23% of salespeople said the thing they need most from their marketing team is “better quality leads”.
Into the fray comes a new B2B platform and service, which aligns marketing and sales to create a funnel of ready-to-close leads.
The new platform and service harnesses:
  • The power of LinkedIn targeting to find the right people at the right companies
  • Leverages incentives such as gift cards to break through the incredible clutter
  • Weeds out tire kickers by requiring them to answer qualifying questions before meeting
  • Educates and informs prospects with a forced-view of your demo before meeting
  • And then surfaces the key pain points or business realities that are key to closing a deal in your CRM
The combination of tech platform, service, and methodology align sales and marketing and allow them to focus their time on quality prospects from the right companies who show up understanding the basic offering, seeking clarifications rather than first explanations.
In other words, it generates first meetings that feel like second meetings.
If you’re in a B2B marketing/sales team and would like to learn more, feel free to book a meeting with one of our experts Brief 15 Minute Intro Meeting.