
Test-and-Learn Agendas for Incentivized Lead Generation Success

Written by Keith Wright, Founder & CEO | September 9, 2024

In the competitive world of B2B marketing, it’s no secret that an incentivized lead generation campaign will naturally get more clicks and attention compared to standard campaigns without any incentives. Offering rewards, such as an Amazon gift card, can entice your target audience to engage with your message. However, simply adding an incentive is not enough to guarantee success. To truly maximize the potential of an incentivized lead generation program, it’s essential to utilize a test-and-learn agenda that drives ongoing experiments and insights to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Why Incentivized Lead Generation Needs More Than Just Clicks

Incentives will get people to stop scrolling and engage with your ad, but this is just the first step. A successful incentivized lead generation campaign hinges on more than just the reward — the value proposition and messaging must connect with your audience. The best-performing ads combine a unique selling proposition (USP) with messaging that demonstrates the value of the meeting or demo the lead will receive.

This is where SweepLift’s incentivized lead generation programs stand out. Every lead goes through a unique, structured survey process that increases the likelihood of conversion. Our survey is broken into three critical parts: qualification, video education, and discovery. Once leads complete these steps, they are invited to book a meeting or demo. This ensures that only well-informed and highly engaged leads enter your sales funnel, saving your team time and improving the quality of interactions.

The Three-Step Survey Process

  1. Qualification: Before moving forward, leads must answer a series of qualification questions that help filter out unqualified prospects. This ensures your sales team only spends time with leads that have the potential to convert.

  2. Video Education: Leads watch a short educational video introducing your product or service and outlining its key benefits. This step not only informs the prospect but primes them for a more productive sales conversation.

  3. Discovery: After watching the video, leads answer one or two discovery questions designed to uncover their specific needs and challenges. This information enables your sales team to tailor their pitch and address the lead’s pain points directly.

After completing the survey, the lead can schedule a meeting or demo with your team. This process, which takes two to five minutes, ensures that only serious and highly interested leads make it through to book a meeting.

Testing and Learning to Optimize Performance

Once your campaigns are running, reviewing the performance data allows you to make informed adjustments. A test-and-learn agenda helps you continuously optimize each element of your campaign, from ad creative to landing page messaging and beyond. By experimenting with different variables, you can fine-tune your campaigns to increase click-through rates (CTR), reduce costs, and improve lead quality.

Here’s what you should be testing regularly:

  1. Audience Targeting: Testing different audience segments based on criteria like geolocation, company size, industry, and job title can significantly impact costs and campaign performance.

  2. Ad Creative: Visual elements are crucial for capturing attention. Testing different visuals, formats, and ad layouts helps determine what drives the most engagement.

  3. Ad Messaging: A/B testing different copy, headlines, and calls-to-action allows you to refine your messaging and connect more effectively with your audience.

  4. Landing Page Creative: After clicking on the ad, the prospect lands on a page that needs to keep them engaged. The visuals and layout of the page play a big role in reducing bounce rates.

  5. Landing Page Messaging: The content on the landing page must clearly communicate what the prospect will gain from the meeting or demo. Refining this messaging helps reduce drop-off rates and increases conversions.

LinkedIn Ad Creative & Message Example

Landing Page Creative & Message Example

Gathering Insights Through Performance Data and Surveys

One of the key advantages of running incentivized lead generation campaigns through SweepLift is the comprehensive performance data that we collect. We combine ad performance metrics such as clicks, impressions, and CTR with survey data to provide deep insights into campaign performance.

The three-part survey is a powerful tool that helps you learn more about what messaging resonates with your audience. It allows you to gather valuable feedback on what initially attracted the lead to the offer, how they responded to the video education, and what discovery questions revealed about their needs. These insights not only help refine your current campaigns but also inform future marketing strategies.

Measuring Success and ROI

Success isn’t just measured by clicks or meetings booked; it’s measured by the quality of leads and the revenue they generate. By analyzing both the performance data and the survey data, you can track how many of your leads convert into opportunities, and how many opportunities turn into closed deals.

At SweepLift, we use this data to help you continuously refine your campaigns. Each week, you can review key performance indicators (KPIs) such as:

  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Cost per click (CPC)
  • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)
  • Landing page bounce rate
  • Survey completion rate
  • Cost per booked meeting

LinkedIn Campaign Performance

By identifying areas for improvement, such as tweaking audience targeting or adjusting landing page messaging, you can implement changes that drive better results week over week. And because our system tracks not just clicks but also meeting bookings and deal creation, you’ll be able to measure the full return on investment (ROI) of your campaigns, all the way down to the revenue generated.

Conclusion: Continuous Learning for Continuous Improvement

A well-executed test-and-learn agenda allows you to continuously optimize your incentivized lead generation campaigns. By testing and refining your audience targeting, ad creative, messaging, and landing pages, you can lower costs, improve lead quality, and ultimately drive more revenue.

At SweepLift, we help our clients build and manage high-performing, revenue-generating incentivized lead generation programs that scale with their business. By using data-driven insights and ongoing testing, we ensure that your campaigns deliver high-quality leads that convert into customers.

Ready to create a lead generation program that consistently brings in new opportunities? Reach out to us today to learn how SweepLift can help you implement a winning incentivized lead generation strategy.