Lead Scoring With Incentivized Lead Generation Campaigns

Lead scoring is a pivotal component of any effective marketing and sales strategy. It enables you to assess the quality of leads systematically, helping to determine the best way to allocate your resources. Through this process, you can identify whether a lead should be actively worked by your sales team or placed into an automated nurturing program via email marketing until they are ready to be engaged by sales. This strategic approach ensures that your solution is presented to the right leads at the right time.

Understanding the Lead Scoring System

Lead scoring operates on a scale from 0 to 10:

  • Scores 0-4: These leads are considered unqualified. Minimal effort should be invested in these leads as they lack the readiness or capability to move forward with your solution.
  • Scores 5-7: These leads are marketing qualified leads (MQLs). They require additional nurturing through targeted marketing programs to maintain their interest and guide them towards readiness for a sales conversation.
  • Scores 8-10: These leads are sales qualified leads (SQLs). They possess an active need for your solution, a budget, and the authority to make purchasing decisions. These leads should be promptly assigned to your sales team for active engagement, as they have a higher likelihood of converting into customers.

The Three Categories of Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is based on three categories of questions, each contributing to the overall lead score:

  1. Firmographic Questions:

    • Industry: Identifies the sector in which the lead's company operates.
    • Company Headcount: Provides insight into the size of the company.
    • Company Revenue: Indicates the financial capacity of the company.
    • Headquarters Location: Helps to understand the geographical market.

  1. Demographic Questions:

    • Job Title: Clarifies the lead's role within the company.
    • Job Seniority: Indicates the decision-making level of the lead.
    • Job Function: Provides context on the lead’s responsibilities.
    • Physical Location: Helps in personalizing engagement strategies.

  1. Qualification Questions (BANT Framework):

    • Budget: Determines if the lead has the financial resources required.
    • Authority: Identifies if the lead has the power to make purchasing decisions.
    • Need: Assesses whether there is an immediate requirement for your solution.
    • Timing: Establishes the lead's timeline for making a decision.

Each question within these categories has multiple possible answers, each assigned a specific score. Additionally, each question is weighted to reflect its importance in the overall lead scoring model. This weighting acts as a multiplier, emphasizing the significance of certain questions over others.

Generating and Incentivizing Leads

To recruit leads, we use performance marketing campaigns across platforms like Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook. We incentivize interest by combining our unique selling propositions with attractive offers, such as gift cards for attending meetings or discounts on products or services. This dual approach of incentive messaging and unique selling propositions effectively generates interest in meetings.

Before a lead can sign up for a meeting, they must:

  1. Complete a survey that includes all qualification questions.
  2. Watch an educational or sales video that provides valuable information about your solution.
  3. Answer a series of discovery questions designed to give your sales rep the information they need to prepare for the meeting.

Discovery Questions

For leads that are considered sales qualified, the discovery questions typically include:

  • Feedback on the Educational/Sales Video: Gathers insights on what the lead found valuable or unclear.
  • Elaboration on Needs or Challenges: Helps to understand the specific pain points and requirements of the lead.
  • Positive Impact Insights: Determines the potential benefits of solving these challenges for the lead's company.
  • Information on Alternative Solutions: Identifies any current or considered solutions, providing context for positioning your offering.

Integrating Lead Scores into Your CRM

With this system, every new lead is automatically assigned a score, helping you determine the appropriate action. Discovery questions are answered before the first meeting, providing valuable insights for the sales team. This lead score is then seamlessly transferred to your CRM, such as HubSpot, where it can continue to evolve based on additional behaviors like website visits, email opens, eBook downloads, and webinar attendance.

The Continuous Evolution of Lead Scores

Once integrated into your CRM, the lead score evolves with new interactions. Attributes such as website visits, email opens, content downloads, and event attendance contribute to a dynamic lead profile. This continuous tracking ensures that leads are always evaluated based on the most current data, allowing your team to prioritize efforts effectively.

Benefits of a Lead Scoring System

Implementing a lead scoring system offers numerous benefits:

  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Focus your efforts on leads with the highest potential.
  • Enhanced Sales Pipeline Management: Streamline the process from lead generation to closing deals.
  • Data-Driven Sales Process: Use insights to drive your sales strategy, making your approach more efficient and effective.
  • Increased Deal Closure Rate: Focus on high-quality leads, leading to more closed deals at a higher rate and quicker pace.

By leveraging an incentivized lead generation campaign combined with a robust lead scoring system, you can significantly enhance your marketing and sales efforts. This approach ensures that your team focuses on the most promising opportunities, driving efficiency and effectiveness in your sales process.

If you want to learn how to design such a program for your brand feel free to reach out to speak to one of our experts HERE.