Our Solutions

Generate More SQLs for Cheaper

Hompepage - Benefits-min

Use SweepLift’s incentivized lead generation campaigns to generate and qualify more, high quality leads

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Profile Audience

Develop Stronger

Audience Profiles

We use surveys to qualify, educate and conduct discovery with every lead and the survey answers help us develop stronger and smarter audience profiles overtime
Develop Stronger Audience Profiles-min
Develop Stronger Audience Profiles-min
Nurture Leads

Nurture MQLs Into SQLs

Every lead that is generated is scored, segmented and profiled so that they can be automatically enlisted into a personalized nurturing program helping nurture any marketing qualified leads into a sales qualified lead

Nurture MQLs Into SQLs
Nurture MQLs Into SQLs
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Generate Sales

Close More Deals, Quicker

Since we qualify and educate every lead, and we get the leads to answer discovery questions upfront, by the time the sales representative meets with the lead it will feel like a second meeting because discovery has been done and the lead has already been educated and qualified. This shortens the sales process.

Close More Deals, Quicker