Growth Marketers

Marketers can improve campaigns with low returns on ad spend, hit their lead gen goals, and better connect with their audience.
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Boost return on ad spend
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Grow lead volume and quality
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Become smarter about your audience

Sales Teams

Speed up the sales cycle and increase your close rate, skip the initial discovery meeting and close more deals with a stronger business case. 
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Leads show up already educated
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Receive discovery data upfront
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    Get to your proposal more quickly

Brand Marketers

Start getting qualitative insights from your paid media campaigns across the walled garden platforms and decrease your level of ad waste.
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Decrease ad waste
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Breakthrough to new audiences
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Increase sales

Market Researchers

Time to unpanel the third party panels by going directly to consumers through the largest social media platforms where consumers love sharing their opinions openly.
  • sweeplift-favicon
    No more third party panels
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Huge audience reach and precise segmentation
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    Insights that are immediately actionable

Marketing Agencies

Instill confidence in current customers and win new ones with consumer insights driven plans and pitches.
  • sweeplift-favicon
    Win new clients with consumer insights driven pitches
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    Helping clients take bigger risks with braver creative
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    Retain clients by providing them greater campaign measurement on

Learn How to Drive Your Entire Brand Strategy with Audience, Product and Campaign Intelligence Solutions

Use consumer intelligence to align your brand’s story with the right audience, successful products, effective messaging, and engaging creative to scale personalized campaigns across the walled-garden ad platforms

Connect with Our Top Researchers for Your Next Growth Breakthrough